Mindfulness: 5 Easy Steps to Begin

Excerpt from the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute Blog


There is more than one way up the mindfulness mountain to a sense of greater concentration, focus, calm or connection to self or to something bigger than yourself. Knowing your goal can go a long way to avoiding trying a practice that is taking you to an entirely different end. This is the first step.

  1. Find your reason to try mindfulness
  2. Begin with what you already have going on – your senses.
  3. Practice taking a “time-in”.
  4. Become a breath surfer.
  5. Move into compassion.

First Steps on the Mindfulness Path

Finding a reason to try mindfulness for you that makes sense and holds meaning will start you on a path toward it. Mindfulness doesn’t have to be complicated and it can help anybody, but without a clear intention it can start to feel like it’s just a passing fad. Choose one small practice that connects to an intention you hold. It is much more likely you will notice the benefit and stick with it!

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