5 habits to make your workday healthier

workplace-wellness-original-resizedExcerpt from Eat Right Ontario

Are you looking to make your workday healthier?


[toggle title=”Use these tips to add some healthy habits to your workday routine.”]

1. Start your day with breakfast

Eating breakfast fuels your body and brain so you can concentrate better at work.

2. Pack your lunch more often

  • Bring your lunch from home as often as possible to make healthier choices and save money.

3. Choose healthy snacks

  • Pack snacks or keep some at work so you don’t have to rely on vending machine or convenience store snacks.
  • If you have a fridge at work, stock it with nutritious snacks such as fruit, vegetables, lower fat cheese and yogurt, cottage cheese, milk, fortified soy beverages and hummus.

4. Stay active at work

Being more active can increase energy levels, lower stress and help manage your weight. Find small ways to add more movement into your day.

  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Start a walking club or join your workplace gym.

5. Energize your day the healthy way!

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • If you’re hungry, have a small healthy snack to keep you going. Try not to eat while you are distracted.
  • Take a break from your work. Stand up and stretch or head outside for some fresh air.

Bottom line

With a little planning, having healthy habits at work can help you feel your best.

Read the full article to get ideas for healthy breakfast, lunch, and snacks