Stryker Stretcher Straps

To:  All Operations Staff
There is an increasing number of Stryker stretcher straps being returned to Equipment Services with significant damage. When using the Stryker Power-PRO stretcher, please adhere to the following:

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1 – Paramedics should ensure the straps are properly connected together when moving the stretcher, to ensure the straps are not dragging on the ground and to avoid getting caught in the wheels.
2 – Only Stryker straps are approved for use on a Stryker stretcher.
3 – Only Ferno straps are approved for use on a Ferno stretcher.

Unsecured straps put both the Paramedic and patient at risk for injury, and can result in damage to the stretcher and/or straps.
If you have any questions, please contact your Superintendent.

(Original signed by)
Brayden Hamilton-Smith