Count Yourself In: Workforce Survey


To: All Toronto Paramedic Services Staff

As a reminder, please take a moment to answer the five questions in the Count Yourself In: Workforce Survey, as described by the City Manager in his email below – even if you have already done so in the past.

Please complete the survey by Tuesday, October 31, 2017.  The goal of the survey is to help the City better understand how our workforce reflects the diverse communities that we serve.

The survey should take less than 5 minutes to fill out and is accessible on any City network computer.

Thank you and best regards,

Gord McEachen
Acting Chief

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This message is being sent to all staff on behalf of City Manager Peter Wallace. Managers and supervisors: please share this message with staff who do not have access to a computer at work.

The City has started its Count Yourself In: Workforce Survey campaign for 2017. You may have already completed the survey as part of Toronto Public Service Week. The survey has five questions and takes five minutes or less to complete. All information/responses will be kept strictly confidential. Your responses allow the City to monitor its progress toward building a workforce that reflects the population we serve. The survey will help the City to better understand our current diverse workforce and continue to make the City a great place to work.

The survey can be accessed online at; a printable version is also available at this link. Alternatively, you may access the survey through the Count Yourself In icon on most City desktop computers. Paper copies are being distributed to workplaces across the City and may also be requested using the contact information below.

The City surveyed its workforce every few years for the past 14 years. The survey is for all employees in the Toronto Public Service and it is endorsed by TCEU Local 416, CUPE Local 79, IAFF Local 3888 and COTAPSA. There are some modifications to the 2017 survey questions and you are encouraged to update your information.

Although the survey is available all year round, we are asking everyone to please complete the survey by October 31, 2017.

For more information or to request the survey in alternate formats (Braille, large print, translations), contact the Equity, Diversity and Human Rights Division at diversity@toronto.ca416-392-6635 or TTY 416-397-7332.

Thank you for supporting this important City initiative. Please count yourself in!

Peter Wallace
City Manager