Self-Directed CME for Level 2 Paramedics

The Local 416 Collective Agreement, Article 45.20 (c) states that “the City will credit to each paramedic’s lieu bank twelve (12) hours lieu time for the purpose of self-directed learning and maintenance of paramedic certification.” The Base Hospital has discontinued the requirement for Level 2 Paramedics to complete the elective CME.

In 2014, the Union and the Division agreed that Level 2 Paramedics would be offered the choice to complete this elective training and, if they choose to complete the training, they would continue to be entitled to the 12 hours lieu time. It was also decided that a form would be sent out and, should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not to participate in this training, he/she would be asked to sign and submit the form confirming his/her choice. The result of completing the form would mean that the 12 hours of lieu time, already placed in his/her bank on the first pay of the year, would be removed from his/her bank.

Attached to this memo is a form that the Level 2 Paramedics will need to sign and return to their Superintendent by February 28, 2022. This due date will not be extended nor will this option be offered again this year. By signing this form, the Level 2 Paramedic is choosing not to attend the elective CME for this year as well as into the future as long as they remain a Level 2 Paramedic. This decision will not affect their certification status as a Level 2 Paramedic.

The Level 2 Paramedic must also understand that, by signing this form, they are authorizing Toronto Paramedic Services to remove 12 hours of lieu time from their lieu bank. Should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not fill out the form which by default indicates that they wish to attend an elective CME, they will be required to have the CME completed by December 31, 2022. Failure to complete the CME by that deadline will lead to the Level 2 Paramedic being administratively deactivated by the Base Hospital and the Paramedic will not be able to practice, at any level, until such time as an elective CME is completed.

If you have previously completed and submitted this form, there is no requirement to do so again.

(Original signed by)
Leo Tsang

Download a PDF version of this memo.

Download the Level Two 2022 Elective CME Opt-Out Form.