Sunnybrook Emergency Department Renovation Project

On Saturday, August 13, 2022, contractors will be working on site at Sunnybrook to complete part of the Emergency Department (ED) renovation project. During this time, access to the ED driveway, including the EMS entrance doors, will be impacted. The roadway will also be closed to regular traffic. Only emergency vehicles requiring direct access to the ED will be permitted through the area while the construction is underway.

Between the hours of 05:00 and 13:00, a crane will be parked on the east portion of the EMS driveway (see image below). Paramedics should drive straight into the ED driveway from Life Saving Drive (yellow arrow) rather than making a U-turn into the driveway around the island.
·        To make room for other incoming crews, the ambulance should be backed out (pink arrow) and moved to the additional parking area as soon as practicable.
The crane will perform three lifts, with each lift anticipated to take approximately 10 minutes.  Once the lifts are completed, work will begin on removing the crane and access will be restored.

During an active lift:
      Paramedics will not be permitted to enter or exit through the EMS entrance doors.
       Paramedics must use the main ED doors to the left of the EMS entrance while an active lift is taking place.
–        Traffic controllers will be present to guide Paramedics to the appropriate entrance and ensure Paramedics do not exit through the EMS doors during a lift.

Please notify a Superintendent or Deputy Commander if any concerns are identified.

(Original signed by)
Jennifer Chung