2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education (previously Mandatory CME)

2023 January 17_ SRBH_ 2023 Toronto – ACE v23.1

On February 1, 2023, the Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (ALS PCS) version 5 will come into effect. Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital (SRBH) has created online learning to assist paramedics with the transition to the new standards. This eLearning will be credited as part of the 2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education (previously Mandatory CME), and is required to be completed on a scheduled day off.

Key Points

  • Required eLearning is available via the Paramedic Portal of Ontario as of January 18, 2023, under 2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education Toronto: https://paramedicportalontario.ca/report/mygrades/index.php
  • Please review the attached Base Hospital memorandum for further details, including Paramedic Portal support
  • Deadline for completion is March 27, 2023


  • Full-time Paramedics will be compensated with two (2) hours of overtime pay or lieu time earned.
  • Part-time Paramedics will be compensated with two (2) hours at the applicable rate. The “applicable rate” is either straight time or time-and-one-half depending on the total hours worked within the six-week cycle. For hours in excess of 240 hours within the six-week cycle, the applicable rate will be time-and-one-half.

Spoiler title
Paramedics who do not have the technological resources to complete the eLearning on their own must notify CME@toronto.ca no later than Friday, February 14, 2023. CME leads will book an appointment to use an Education and Development computer to complete the required eLearning. These appointments will be booked on a scheduled day off at a mutually agreeable time, and compensation will be provided as detailed above.

The Division will comply with its human rights obligations to accommodate employees who are legally entitled to accommodation. If you require accommodation in accordance with the City’sAccommodation Policy, a formal accommodation request must be submitted using the Request/Document Accommodation Plans Form. Requests for accommodation must be sent to CME@toronto.ca no later than Friday, February 14, 2023.

Paramedics who are currently administratively deactivated by the Base Hospital should not complete the eLearning. This content will be incorporated into return-to-practice education. Questions regarding Paramedic status with the Base Hospital may be directed to Eunice Lubbe via email (eunice.lubbe@sunnybrook.ca).

Any other questions can be directed to CME@toronto.ca.


(Original signed by)
April Hugh

2023 January 17_ SRBH_ 2023 Toronto – ACE v23.1