Toronto Paramedic Services 2023 Budget

Yesterday, the 2023 City of Toronto Budget was considered by City Council and is now deemed adopted. This includes the adoption of Toronto Paramedic Services’ Operating and Capital budgets which contain significant investments in priority areas to ensure we have the resources to continue providing exceptional care to the community.

Highlights of the 2023 Operating and 10-Year Capital budgets include:

  • Addition of 66 new operational positions to address workload pressures due to in-hospital wait times for Paramedics and increasing emergency call demand.
  • Purchase of new ambulances and emergency response vehicles to support increased staffing levels.
  • Continued investment in Community Paramedicine initiatives to help mitigate emergency call demand.
  • Funding for key infrastructure projects, including multi-function stations and ambulance posts to improve operational efficiencies and accommodate growth.
  • Purchase of medical supplies and replacement medical equipment.

We are very thankful for the support, trust and confidence of City Council and the City’s Senior Leadership Team through this process.

Further information about the Operating and Capital budgets is available at

Thank you for all of your hard work and the outstanding service you provide to our residents every day.


(Original signed by)
Bikram Chawla