2023 Paramedic In-Service Training

Toronto Paramedic Services (TPS) is returning to in-person learning for the 2023 In-Service Training. Sessions will be available as either an eight (8) hour overtime shift, or four (4) hours on-duty, with a follow-up session to be scheduled on-duty at a later date. Sessions are currently scheduled from March 27, 2023 through to August 11, 2023.


Paramedics who choose to attend on overtime will self-select a session. Sessions are planned at 01 Station (1300 Wilson Ave.) beginning at 07:00. Overtime sessions must not start or finish within eight (8) hours of any other shift.


Paramedics who choose to attend on a regularly scheduled shift will be scheduled by TPS at 01 Station, 07:00-19:00. Following completion of in-service training, Paramedics will be deployed into Operations from 01 Station for the balance of their shift. Follow-up sessions will be scheduled on-duty at a later date to complete the remaining content.

Modified Duty
Paramedics currently assigned to modified duties should click the link below and select the modified duties optionParamedics on modified duties will be contacted to schedule a date.

Action Required

All Paramedics must choose their preferred in-service training option by clicking the link below and following the instructions provided.


All Paramedics must sign up no later than April 30, 2023.

Overtime Compensation:

  • Full-time Paramedics who choose to attend 2023 in-service training on overtime will be compensated with eight (8) hours of overtime pay or lieu time earned.
  • Part-time Paramedics who choose to attend 2023 in-service training on overtime will be compensated with eight (8) hours at the applicable rate. The “applicable rate” is either straight time or time-and-one-half depending on the total hours worked within the six-week cycle. For hours in excess of 240 hours within the six-week cycle, the applicable rate will be time-and-one-half.

Training topics include:

  • Service updates
  • De-escalation
  • Paramedic skills
  • Ministry of Health Public Safety Radio Network
  • Cyber Security Awareness Refresher
  • Respirator fit-testing; bring your issued North 7700 APR

Questions should be directed to CME@toronto.ca.

(Original signed by)
April Hugh