Toronto Pioneer Christmas Luncheon

Toronto Pioneer Christmas Luncheon  December 6th at the Legion Hall

The Toronto Pioneers are hosting another Christmas luncheon so friends and colleagues can meet and greet again. All TPS employees, guests, relatives and Pioneers are welcome to attend this fun event. See details below picture.  

Our guest speaker with be Former Toronto Paramedic Kevin Mills reflecting on handcycling across Canada in a modified wheel chair.

Kevin and Heather Mills

The Toronto Paramedic Pioneers Luncheon will be held on Wednesday December 6, 2023. The Luncheon will be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 286 located at 11 Irwin Road located near Weston Road and Hwy 401 in Toronto. 

Registration starts at 11:00 am and lunch will be served at 12:00 noon. The price for the hot Turkey buffet lunch will be $25 cash at the door. A cash bar will be available along with Flue shots.  Please RSVP me at  if you will be attending.