Participation Request: Survey for Future Paramedic Education Content

The Education Subcommittee (ESC) of the Ontario Base Hospital Group (OBHG) is working to develop upcoming educational materials for all paramedics across Ontario.

In pursuit of this objective, the ESC has created a comprehensive survey designed to gather insights from stakeholders. Your input holds immense significance in shaping the trajectory of future educational endeavours. Participating in this survey directly contributes to the refinement of paramedic education.

To access the survey, click here or utilize the provided link below. We encourage active engagement from all paramedics and ambulance service operator staff.

Survey Link:

We kindly request that you complete this short survey by July 16, 2024.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to advancing paramedic education and, ultimately, elevating the quality of patient care across the Province of Ontario.

Education Subcommittee