2020 Self-Directed (Elective) CME

In response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine created two online education programs that meet the requirements of the 2020 Self-Directed (Elective) CME. They are now available at www.paramedicportalontario.ca.

There are a number of Level 2 and Level 3 Paramedics who have not yet enrolled in the 2020 Self-Directed (Elective) CME. All active Level 2 & 3 Paramedics must complete their Self-Directed (Elective) CME by December 31, 2020. Any Level 2 or 3 Paramedic who fails to complete this CME by December 31, 2020 will be administratively deactivated. This requirement does not apply to those Level 2 Paramedics that have opted-out in previous years.

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Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Toronto Paramedic Services is offering an additional, one-time-only, opportunity for Level 2 paramedics to “opt-out” of their requirement to complete Self-Directed (Elective) CME. This “opt-out” will apply to 2020, and will carry forward into the future.

Any Level 2 Paramedic who wishes to “opt-out” of their requirement to complete Self-Directed (Elective) CME must submit the attached form to their Superintendent on or before November 13, 2020.

If you have previously completed and submitted this form, no further action is required. Level 2 Paramedics who opt out of their Self-Directed (Elective) CME will maintain their certification as a Level 2 Paramedic.

Please take a few moments to review the attached memo from Jeremy Kieffer, dated September 2, 2020.

(Original signed by)
Leo Tsang

Download the 2020 October Opt-Out Form
Download the 2020 Elective CME Options