Category Archives: CME

Self-Directed CME for Level 2 Paramedics

The Local 416 Collective Agreement, Article 45.20 (c) states that “the City will credit to each paramedic’s lieu bank twelve (12) hours lieu time for the purpose of self-directed learning and maintenance of paramedic certification.”  The Base Hospital has discontinued the requirement for Level 2 Paramedics to complete the elective CME.

In 2014, the Union and the Division agreed that Level 2 Paramedics would be offered the choice to complete this elective training and, if they choose to complete the training, they would continue to be entitled to the 12 hours lieu time. It was also decided that a form would be sent out and, should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not to participate in this training, he/she would be asked to sign and submit the form confirming his/her choice.  The result of completing the form would mean that the 12 hours of lieu time, already placed in his/her bank on the first pay of the year, would be removed from his/her bank.

Attached to this memo is a form that the Level 2 Paramedics will need to sign and return to their Superintendent by March 10, 2023. This due date will not be extended nor will this option be offered again this year. By signing this form, the Level 2 Paramedic is choosing not to attend the elective CME for this year as well as into the future as long as they remain a Level 2 Paramedic.  This decision will not affect their certification status as a Level 2 Paramedic.

The Level 2 Paramedic must also understand that, by signing this form, they are authorizing Toronto Paramedic Services to remove 12 hours of lieu time from their lieu bank. Should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not fill out the form which by default indicates that they wish to attend an elective CME, they will be required to have the CME completed by December 31, 2023. Failure to complete the CME by that deadline will lead to the Level 2 Paramedic being administratively deactivated by the Base Hospital and the Paramedic will not be able to practice, at any level, until such time as an elective CME is completed.

If you have previously completed and submitted this form, there is no requirement to do so again.

(Original signed by)
Leo Tsang

2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education (previously Mandatory CME)

2023 January 17_ SRBH_ 2023 Toronto – ACE v23.1

On February 1, 2023, the Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards (ALS PCS) version 5 will come into effect. Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital (SRBH) has created online learning to assist paramedics with the transition to the new standards. This eLearning will be credited as part of the 2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education (previously Mandatory CME), and is required to be completed on a scheduled day off.

Key Points

  • Required eLearning is available via the Paramedic Portal of Ontario as of January 18, 2023, under 2023 SRBH Annual Certification Education Toronto:
  • Please review the attached Base Hospital memorandum for further details, including Paramedic Portal support
  • Deadline for completion is March 27, 2023


  • Full-time Paramedics will be compensated with two (2) hours of overtime pay or lieu time earned.
  • Part-time Paramedics will be compensated with two (2) hours at the applicable rate. The “applicable rate” is either straight time or time-and-one-half depending on the total hours worked within the six-week cycle. For hours in excess of 240 hours within the six-week cycle, the applicable rate will be time-and-one-half.

Spoiler title
Paramedics who do not have the technological resources to complete the eLearning on their own must notify no later than Friday, February 14, 2023. CME leads will book an appointment to use an Education and Development computer to complete the required eLearning. These appointments will be booked on a scheduled day off at a mutually agreeable time, and compensation will be provided as detailed above.

The Division will comply with its human rights obligations to accommodate employees who are legally entitled to accommodation. If you require accommodation in accordance with the City’sAccommodation Policy, a formal accommodation request must be submitted using the Request/Document Accommodation Plans Form. Requests for accommodation must be sent to no later than Friday, February 14, 2023.

Paramedics who are currently administratively deactivated by the Base Hospital should not complete the eLearning. This content will be incorporated into return-to-practice education. Questions regarding Paramedic status with the Base Hospital may be directed to Eunice Lubbe via email (

Any other questions can be directed to


(Original signed by)
April Hugh

2023 January 17_ SRBH_ 2023 Toronto – ACE v23.1

Advanced Care Paramedic Training Opportunity

All eligible Primary Care AND Level II Paramedics may apply to the following Advanced Care Paramedic Training Opportunity.

Selection Process:

All candidates will be required to write a selection exam. Candidates who are successful on the written exam will then be ranked based on seniority (senior qualified) to determine their eligibility to enter the course. There are twelve (12) training positions available. The didactic component of the course will tentatively start on January 30, 2023 with a tentative graduation date of September 30, 2023.  


Successful candidates will not be authorized to take vacation or leaves of absence during any portion of the pre-course, didactic, clinical, preceptorship, or certification components of the course. Failure to meet program attendance requirements may result in removal of the student from the program as per educational program policy.

Successful candidates will be required to complete on-line pre-course modules prior to the start of the program.  In addition, successful candidates will be required to attend a three-day pre-course program tentatively scheduled for the week of January 16, 2023.

During the program your schedule will be changed. Training may be postponed or cancelled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, or based on operational demand. Training will be provided by Toronto Paramedic Services, and will be subject to any Public Health restrictions.

Graduates of the program will be required to write the Provincial Ministry Certification Exam tentatively on October 18, 2023 prior to Base Hospital Certification.

Spoiler title


  1. You must hold current certification as a Primary Care or Level II paramedic under Sunnybrook Centre for Prehospital Medicine (Base Hospital) and be in good standing.
  2. You must have a minimum of three (3) years paramedic experience, with at least two (2) years at Toronto Paramedic Services at time of selection exam.
  3. You must currently be in good standing with your Commander at your current level of practice. Commanders will use the following criteria to determine good standing:
    • No greater than a Step 1 Attendance Management Letter currently on file;
    • Must have no more than four (4) late occurrences on file within one (1)year from the date of the evaluation request;
    • Must have no significant disciplinary record currently on file [one (1) day suspension or greater]; and
    • Must have no more than four (4) “Paramedic Attitude” complaints on file within one year from the date of the evaluation request.
  1. If you are on WSIB/light duties, you must supply a physician’s note stating that you will be fit for duty (without any restrictions) prior to the start of the course and that you are medically capable of performing all manual and technical skills in the didactic lab sessions.

Written Exam:

Interactive modules are available online that may assist you in preparation for the selection exam. They can be found on the Education Portal:

Once you have logged into the portal, you can self-register in the “ACP Study Material” under the heading “Self-Enrollment Courses”.

A maximum of 30 participants will be allowed per exam date. If accommodations are required please email All accommodations are subject to approval from the Commander of Education. Subject to availability, please choose from the following exam dates (Note: exam is to be written off-duty):

  • Wednesday, December 14; 0900-1100
  • Friday, December 16; 1900-2100
  • Monday, December 19; 0900-1100
  • Wednesday, December 21; 1900-2100
  • Friday, December 23; 1300-1500

Exams will be held at 4330 Dufferin Street.

How to apply for this training opportunity:

  • All interested candidates must submit their intent to apply to Paula Doyle at by 23:59 hours on Monday, December 12, 2022. Applications may be emailed, faxed or mailed (see below). It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure receipt of their intent to apply. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • Your letter of intent must include:
  1. Subject line “Winter 2023 ACP Training opportunity”
  2. Name, Email Address, Contact Phone Number
  3. Home District
  4. Order of preferences for written exam date – include all choices

(Note: Date and time may change based on availability)

If you have any questions relating to this Training Opportunity, please contact:
A.J. Grass at 437-335-5194 or by email at

New Advanced Care Paramedics in Operations

Beginning August 13, 2022, 11 new Advanced Care Paramedics (ACPs) will start the consolidation phase of their training. New ACPs are partnered with an experienced ACP until the completion of the consolidation phase, which is 168 hours. The expected end date for this consolidation period is September 20, 2022.

The new ACPs are identified in TeleStaff with the comment, “Must work with ACP” beside their names. If a new ACP is working alone (e.g., on an ARU) or with a PCP partner, they may request ACP back-up to perform skills which require clinical supervision.

Below are the names of the new ACPs, and their station assignments and partners

ACP Partner
Kelly Aravena
Michael Conforti
Marilla Hauselmann
Justin Pears
Violetta  Krantsevich
Chris Walsh
Roslyn Manchee
Kenny Cheng
Charles (Chuck) Martin
Justin Turner
Julian Ross
Philip DeGrace
Jonathan Rotolo
Pavlo Mykhaylov
Robert St. Onge
Kevin Young
Ryan Strum
Abdullah Muhaseen
Kevin Tran
Jeff Falconer
Nicholas Wong
Scott Pullen

If you have any questions, please contact Martin Johnston via email ( or phone (416-338-0048). Alternatively you may reach out to the on-duty Clinical Specialist. Thank you for your ongoing support of the program.

(Original signed by)
Martin Johnston

Self-Directed CME for Level 2 Paramedics

The Local 416 Collective Agreement, Article 45.20 (c) states that “the City will credit to each paramedic’s lieu bank twelve (12) hours lieu time for the purpose of self-directed learning and maintenance of paramedic certification.” The Base Hospital has discontinued the requirement for Level 2 Paramedics to complete the elective CME.

In 2014, the Union and the Division agreed that Level 2 Paramedics would be offered the choice to complete this elective training and, if they choose to complete the training, they would continue to be entitled to the 12 hours lieu time. It was also decided that a form would be sent out and, should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not to participate in this training, he/she would be asked to sign and submit the form confirming his/her choice. The result of completing the form would mean that the 12 hours of lieu time, already placed in his/her bank on the first pay of the year, would be removed from his/her bank.

Attached to this memo is a form that the Level 2 Paramedics will need to sign and return to their Superintendent by February 28, 2022. This due date will not be extended nor will this option be offered again this year. By signing this form, the Level 2 Paramedic is choosing not to attend the elective CME for this year as well as into the future as long as they remain a Level 2 Paramedic. This decision will not affect their certification status as a Level 2 Paramedic.

The Level 2 Paramedic must also understand that, by signing this form, they are authorizing Toronto Paramedic Services to remove 12 hours of lieu time from their lieu bank. Should the Level 2 Paramedic choose not fill out the form which by default indicates that they wish to attend an elective CME, they will be required to have the CME completed by December 31, 2022. Failure to complete the CME by that deadline will lead to the Level 2 Paramedic being administratively deactivated by the Base Hospital and the Paramedic will not be able to practice, at any level, until such time as an elective CME is completed.

If you have previously completed and submitted this form, there is no requirement to do so again.

(Original signed by)
Leo Tsang

Download a PDF version of this memo.

Download the Level Two 2022 Elective CME Opt-Out Form.