Category Archives: Lost & Found

Lost & Found – Oct. 2019


Spoiler title
[toggle title=”Sunglasses found…” state=”closed”] A pair of sunglasses has been found on truck 979 at 45 station. They are in a square case with woodgrain print. The letter ‘M’ is on the front of the case. Let me know if they are yours.
Thanks, Ben Freeborn

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[toggle title=”cell phone lost...” state=”closed”] I worked out of STN 13 on Friday, October 18th, and lost my cell phone while on shift…
It is an iPhone 6, and I was on vehicle 819.
Please let me know if you find it…
Andrew Lamb

Spoiler title
[toggle title=”Sunglasses lost…” state=”closed”] Pretty confident I left my sunglasses at 26 stn, possibly on 994.  At least I’m hoping I did cause that’s the only place I can think they might be since they weren’t on my kitchen counter this morning.  I’d be grateful if I could be reunited with them since they’re nice and I’ve grown quite fond of them, and not just because my wife doesn’t like them.  They’re Maui Jims.
Steve Weiler

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[toggle title=”Plastic radio holster lost…” state=”closed”] Hi all…I left my plastic radio holster on 3884 about a week ago and it went for repair and came back without it…but not at any of the hubs including headquarters so did anybody grab it thinking it was theirs or something?
give me a shout if so…
(Six-Four-Seven) 966-93 (fifteen)
Scott Freeman

Spoiler title
[toggle title=”Misplaced a silicone ring…” state=”closed”] Hi All,
Please let me know if anyone has misplaced a silicone ring found at 01 stn.
Thank you,
Rico Royer
A/R Superintendent
District 1 Operations
Ems 145

Spoiler title
[toggle title=”Inner jacket with hood found…” state=”closed”] A medium inner jacket with hood, with Level 1 epaulettes. no liner and no name — was left at TWH e/r on October 17 or 18. Found by security.
It is currently living at 37 stn by the garage phone.

Lost Stethoscope


Hello all,

I recently misplaced my pager at either 42 or 40 station on the table in front of the couch, got a call and forgot to bring it with me.

If anyone sees a pager with my name on it, should have some scratch marks on the front, please let me know so I can facilitate getting it back to me sometime.

Thanks! Stephen Lewicki
If someone happened to mistakenly take my glass Tupperware from 40 station on Friday Aug 23, please return them to the station.

There was a large round glass container and 2 medium sized glass containers, with 2 different shades of blue lids that went missing in a span of approx. 2 hours (while I was out doing a call). I also noticed that my red plastic container was left behind.

The containers are Anchor Hocking brand and I’d love to get them back as they are my main meal prep containers.

Thanks in advance! Narae Choi
If anyone happened to mistakenly grab an all black cardiology III from the table upstairs at 37 station sometime last night  (Saturday August 24th night shift) it would be appreciated if it could find its way back…
Thanks, Kevin Marsh

Rx glasses

Please keep an eye out for a glasses case like the one below, I worked on 860 and 896 on Saturday July 27th (which was when I had them last).  Inside is a pair of Rx glasses and I would greatly appreciate seeing them again. Thanks, Mallory Welch

Hey everyone! This email is being sent out on behalf of Gabriel Strezos (NE).
Gab was working out of 45 station last Friday and misplaced his flashlight/holster in the locker room of 45 station. If found could you please email him


missing a key to a Volkwagen and a Littman stethoscope

Hello all,
If you are missing a key to a Volkwagen, it was found in the crew room of 46 Station.
It will be by the phone podium upstairs.
For Your Consideration, Ron Rossiter-Thornton
A Littman stethoscope was found sitting on the dash in vehicle 978 @ the D2 hub. It was  given to a superintendent @ the D2 office. If it’s yours, please come to claim it. Andrew W Ferguson