Tag Archives: kids

Work and Rest – How Do You Push Your Reset Button?

Excerpt from the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute
By Shelly Qualtieri

girl reading book at park in summer sunset lightAs adults we tend to busy ourselves with the day-to-day tasks of parenting or work or both. We do school drop-offs and pick-ups, attend sport events for our children, school concerts and activities, pick up the groceries – thank goodness for online shopping nowadays! We try to hit the gym and find a moment or two to socialize with friends or our partner. This all adds up, and so does the exhaustion.

[toggle title=”Read More”] How can we take a moment to push Pause and rest, if even for 20 minutes in our day? This is an important part to our refuelling, growth, happiness and creativity in life, just as our children need it to grow, learn, develop and thrive. When we push rest aside, we undermine our chances for a rewarding and meaningful life. I often hear my clients, staff, family and friends say that the hardest part is actually finding the time in their day or week to rest. I agree – and I have been there myself.

Research consistently shows that taking the time out to rest will actually allow us to be more productive. When I share this information with others I typically get a little snicker, smart comment or shoulder shrug in response.

Read the full article

A few other ideas that you may want to explore and lessons from the kids:

  1. Take some time out of your day to play! Maybe this means the gym, a quick walk at lunchtime, playing at the park, or reading a book. Get creative!
  2. Put away the electronic devices to capture some real “you time”.
  3. Get outdoors – the power of fresh air and nature is one of the best ways to revitalize your soul.
  4. Get together with family and friends, device free – we are built to be social and connect with others.
  5. Create a routine for yourself – this helps to establish patterns and consistency.

Most importantly, remember: if you don’t make the time for you… no one else will.

Take the time to rest.

Read the full article

Shelly Qualtieri, MA, RSW
Trainer, Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute Inc.


15 playground activities to make you feel like a kid again

Woman swinging on a swing set happily

Feeling like a kid again doesn’t just happen to you when you’re not expecting it. You have to go and seek out those experiences that give you a sense of joy and nostalgia.
Canada’s kids are back in school and why not take inspiration from their favourite recess activity?

[toggle title=”Playground activities to make you feel like a kid again”]
  1. Swinging, ahem…on a Swing Set 😉
  2. Hopscotch
  3. Grounders
  4. Monkey Bars
  5. 4-Square
  6. Tag
  7. Flying a kite
  8. Hula Hooping
  9. Hide And Seek
  10. Jump Rope
  11. Hacky Sack
  12. Running
  13. Walking
  14. Cycling
  15. Scootering

Here’s looking at you, kid!

inTO Kids Health April 2017

intoKidsBanner_UpakneeTips to green your home
How to grow environmentally friendly kids
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Community Corner
Just For Kids

Welcome to the April 2017 issue of the inTOkidshealth e-newsletter! In this issue, learn tips for making your home green and teaching your kids to be environmentally friendly.

inTO Kids Health – April 2017 Newsletter (click to open)