Tag Archives: mental health week

Mental Health Week! Self Care & Support

It’s CMHA Mental Health Week!

Creative_Wallpaper_The_stones_on_the_sand_015970_2Better mental health starts with you … understanding when you might need help is the first step to feeling better.
The first step is usually the biggest one but it can have positive effects for you and those around you.
You’re not alone.

Toronto Paramedic Services has a great resource available to all staff to help with self care and understanding mental health better.

FeelingBetterNow is your resource for better mental health.

  • Start Assessment – Understand your risk level for certain conditions & receive your personal action plan.
  • Mental Health Literacy – Learn about mental health conditions
  • Your Toolbox – Explore healthy coping strategies with recommended apps, websites, and ebooks.
  • Support Resources – services & support for you.

Start FeelingBetterNow!