Implementation of Toronto Paramedic Services’ Psychological Health & Wellness Plan

Effective February 6, 2017, Toronto Paramedic Services is pleased to officially implement the Divisional Psychological Health & Wellness Plan.

Key Points of the Plan

  • It was developed in cooperation with and in response to the Ombudsman’s recommendations and with the assistance and advice of the City’s Employee Assistance Program experts.  It outlines our approach to safeguard employee wellness and strengthen resilience.
  • It identifies and consolidates the various resources available to employees and describes the training programs arranged for delivery to all staff.
  • The available programs and resources are intended to help all employees understand and become aware of psychological stressors, and the importance of eliminating stigma associated with mental health issues.
  • The Plan is a living document, intended to evolve as the body of science and related field experience with occupational stress injury grows.

A full copy of the Toronto Paramedic Services’ Psychological Health & Wellness Plan can be found at and a condensed version formatted into a brochure for distribution by Superintendents and at Continuing Education sessions. Extra brochures will be placed in stations and near Health & Safety boards at Headquarters, and links to the Plan will be placed on Novell, MobiCAD and ePCR.

Feeling Better Now

A new resource that I’m extremely pleased about is FeelingBetterNow®. FeelingBetterNow® is an on-line mental health care program created to help individuals get the right care at the right place at the right time. It was made to help individuals identify emotional and mental health issues as early as possible. It is available anywhere, at any time, to all staff, retirees and eligible family members. FeelingBetterNow® is designed so that users can access it anonymously — without fear and without stigma. You will soon receive more details on how to access this innovative program.

Peer Resource Team

The Peer Resource Team remains the key component of our Psychological Health and Wellness Plan. Through a recent joint union-management process additional peer-nominated staff have been selected and will soon be trained to augment the present team. The Mental Health posters will be updated shortly with the new information.

Toronto Paramedic Services has consulted with the Executive of Local 416 and Local 79 on the contents of the Plan and is fully committed to supporting the psychological health of our employees both now and in the future.
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