Monkeypox – added to Quatro Safety

Good day everyone,

This is to inform you that Monkeypox has been added to Quatro Safety as a potential Communicable Disease exposure selection, highlighted below.

Please also find attached an example of safety coding for a Quatro entry for a protected exposure to Monkeypox.  It would be appreciated if the Superintendents could also be sure to ask whether or not the patient was reverse isolated with a surgical mask, and include that information in the Description of Incident.  It’s also important that the personal protective equipment worn by the paramedic be listed in the Personal Protective Equipment section of the Quatro report.

As always, if there are any questions, our People & Equity OHS & WSI team can be contacted.

With thanks,
Susan Firman
Senior HR Consultant
People & Equity – OHS & Wellness
Tel. 416-392-7993