Tag Archives: stigma

Caring for yourself as well as you care for others!

Paramedics and Emergency Medical Dispatchers are exposed to difficult calls with highly distressed people on a regular basis. Most TPS staff have chosen their careers because they have a genuine desire to help others at their time of greatest need. Many staff find their work to be very rewarding but the challenges they experience at work can also take a toll psychologically.

It is important to acknowledge that we all need help from time to time. Most people will benefit from talking with someone who understands the issues and who can help them   to develop a plan to address their concerns. No one should be “sucking it up” and suffering alone. It is just as important for you to take care of yourselves as it is to take care of others!

[toggle title=”More”]Many of you have already participated in the Road to Mental Readiness (R2MR) course and have had a chance to use the self-assessment tool.  How is your own mental health? Is it positive, declining or poor? What steps can you take to improve your mental health?

If you have not yet had an opportunity to access the Feeling Better Now web site, I would strongly encourage you to make use of this award winning site to review the information and resources that it offers, including a self-screening tool and strategies to improve your well-being.  Use access PIN 4330 to create your account.

The TPS Peer Resource Team (PRT) is comprised of 30 of the most compassionate, committed, and capable people I have ever had the privilege of working with. Your PRT is here to help you!  (1-855-PRT-TEMS  OR  1-855-778-8367)

The City of Toronto’s EAP is available 24/7, 365 days a year by calling 416-392-6633.

TCEU L416 employees may also access the FSEAP at 1-800-668-9920. Both programs offer access to experienced professionals at no cost to TPS staff and their eligible family members including:

  • Confidential short-term counselling to address a broad range of personal, family and work-related concerns
  • Assistance in developing strategies to manage stress, improve coping and enhance resilience
  • Information about, and referral to, helpful community resources, including specialized and longer-term treatment

Please take the time to make your well-being a priority during Canadian Mental Health Week and beyond!

Leslie Langdon, M. Ed., Dip.C.S., C. Psych. Assoc.

There’s no shame in taking care of your mental health


When stress got to be too much for TED Fellow Sangu Delle, he had to confront his own deep prejudice: that men shouldn’t take care of their mental health. In a personal talk, Delle shares how he learned to handle anxiety in a society that’s uncomfortable with emotions. As he says: “Being honest about how we feel doesn’t make us weak — it makes us human.”

[toggle title=”View the TED Talk”]Take a few minutes to experience this powerful talk on mental health. There are many truths and parallels in this talk that apply to our society.

#GETLOUD Campaign May 1-7, 2017

This CMHA Mental Health Week, May 1-7, Canadians are taking the time to reflect on their mental health and resources that are available to them when they, their family or friends are in need of help and support!  Please review the links below for more information.


TPS Road to Mental Readiness Survey

Please take a few minutes to let us know about your Road to Mental Readiness experience and share your ideas on what information you want to see in the future.

     [button href=”http://cityoftoronto.fluidsurveys.com/s/R2MR/” style=”emboss” size=”medium” color=”#60d60c” textcolor=”#000000″]Take the survey![/button]