2020 Mandatory Base Hospital CME – Deadline Approaching

The 2020 Mandatory Base Hospital CME was launched on October 7, 2020, and must be completed by all active Paramedics by November 17, 2020. Please see below for information regarding the deadlines for both CME completion and document submission.

CME Completion Deadline: November 17, 2020, at 23:59

There are two components that must be completed prior to the deadline:

  • Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital (SRBH) 2020 CME eLearning Course
  • Toronto Specific CME Addition for 2020

Document Submission Deadline: November 20, 2020 at 23:59

There are two documents that must be submitted prior to the deadline:

  • CME Completion/Compensation Form
  • 2020/21 Influenza Immunization Declaration

Paramedics who do not complete the CME by the deadline may be subject to administrative deactivation, in accordance with the Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital Maintenance of Certification Policy.

For additional information, please review the previous memo and FAQ outlining the requirements and process to complete the 2020 Mandatory Base Hospital CME. In addition, information is available for those ACPs and Level 2 Paramedics who have not yet completed their self-directed CME.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact cme@toronto.ca.

(Original signed by)
Tom Bruce