Staff Update #8 – Week in Review

Black History Month Open House – Happening Tomorrow!

Toronto Fire Services’ Black Staff Network has invited us to participate in their open house tomorrow (February 24) from 11:00-15:00 at the Christopher J. Rubes Centre for Prehospital Studies, 895 Eastern Ave. Our display will feature Paramedic equipment, ambulance tours (weather permitting), and CPR demonstrations. Bring your family and friends down for this exciting community event. The event flyer can be found on Moodle.

Measles Update: City of Toronto

On February 16, 2024, Toronto Paramedics transported a patient to hospital with a lab confirmed case of measles. There is no local outbreak in Toronto; the confirmed case was in an unimmunized patient linked to travel outside of Canada. While the risk of exposure is low at this time, it’s important Paramedics be aware of the symptoms of measles which include:

  • Red rash
  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Runny nose
  • Red eyes
  • Feeling tired

Paramedics should conduct a Point of Care Risk Assessment (PCRA) to determine communicable disease risk and PPE requirements (i.e., gloves, gown, N95 and eye protection). Patients showing symptoms should be given a surgical mask to prevent spread of respiratory secretions. Vaccinations and appropriate use of PPE are effective in preventing the spread of measles.

If Paramedics transport a patient with suspected or confirmed measles:

  • The patient compartment and equipment should be cleaned per routine cleaning practices, including opening all doors and windows to air the vehicle out to clear it of suspended droplets, and
  • The crew should report the call to their Superintendent.

Please refer to the Infection Prevention and Control manual for further information regarding measles.

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Update regarding recent Expression of Interest (EOI) – Public Safety Unit (PSU)

Due to the large number of applicants, only those that qualify via seniority will be invited to the physical testing portion. Selected individuals will be notified via their work e-mail within the next week. Thank you to all who applied.

NEW Intranasal Glucagon (Hypoglycemia Medical Directive ALS PCS v 5.3)

Due to a shortage of Glucagon, TPS will begin stocking BAQSIMI glucagon nasal powder for intranasal (IN) administration. Vehicles will also be stocked with Amphastar Glucagon for intramuscular (IM) administration. Visit Moodle for the full memo from Base Hospital. Questions can be directed to a Clinical Superintendent or, for medical directive-specific concerns, contact Scott Gorsline.

Treat and Discharge Medical Directive

Effective February 21, 2024, Toronto Paramedics may use the new Treat and Discharge from Care procedures pertaining to PCP/ACP Hypoglycemia, Seizure, and Tachydysrthythmia Medical Directives. Questions can be directed to Scott Gorsline (for medial directive-related issues) or a Clinical Specialist; and the full memo can be accessed via Moodle.

Falls Response Survey for Post-Fall Pathway Pilot Project

The Community Paramedicine Program is implementing a Post-Fall Pathway pilot to support older adults who have used 911 for a fall but were not transported to hospital. Your voluntary participation in this survey, which will take approximately five minutes to complete, will help create better post-fall management pathways and can be accessed here. The full memo is available on Moodle.

Staff Communications Recap      

The following communications were released in the last week and can be accessed by enrolling in the TPS Staff Blog – Education Portal Edition course on Moodle.

All Staff

  • TPS Treat and Discharge Go Live


  • Glucagon Intranasal – Hypoglycemia Medical Directive ALS PCS 5.3
  • ALS PCS v5.3 Memo IN Glucagon 15.2.24
  • Falls Response Survey for Post-Fall Pathway Pilot Project
  • Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
  • Station Bid 3 2024 02212024V4

Job Opportunities

There is still time to apply for the following opportunities:

Pink Shirt Day

February 28 is Pink Shirt Day. On this day and beyond, we take a stand against bullying in all its forms and remember the impact a kind gesture – whether big or small – can have on those around us.

Take care, stay safe, and stay positive!

(Original signed by)
Jamie Burnett