FAQaHarmonized Schedule: Conversion of Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7

August 15, 2022 ***UPDATED***
Harmonized Schedule: Conversion of Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7

This document includes additional information regarding the harmonized schedule initiative and supports the memorandum released on August 15, 2022, titled Harmonized Schedule: Conversion of Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7.


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[toggle title=”Q1. Was Local 416 notified of this change?” state=”closed”]

A1. Yes. TCEU Local 416 President Eddie Mariconda was advised of the planned schedule change in August 2022 in accordance with Article 9 of the Collective Agreement.

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[toggle title=”Q2. Which schedules will be converted to Schedule 9?” state=”closed”]

A2. Paramedics currently assigned to Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7 will be converted to Schedule 9 — as well as Paramedics at 12 Station who were scheduled to be included in the last phase. At this time, Paramedics assigned to Schedule 1, or modified Schedule 1 at 59 Station, 30 Station ERU, and 54 Station ERU are not being converted.

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[toggle title=”Q3. What about Swing Paramedics?” state=”closed”]

A3. Swing Paramedics on Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7 will be converted to Schedule 9 along with those who own stations. Swing Paramedics will be able to view their schedules in TeleStaff. In addition, full year calendars (for all schedules) are available in the Scheduling Portal.

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[toggle title=”Q4. What if I am temporarily assigned to a station but my base position is on Swing?” state=”closed”]

A4. If your base (Swing) position is on Schedule 1, 5, 6 and 7, you will be converted to Schedule 9; however, your current temporary station assignment will remain and continue to follow long-term backfill practices.

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[toggle title=”Q5. What about Part-Time (PT) Paramedics?” state=”closed”]

A5. PT Paramedics do not have a set schedule and are therefore unaffected by the conversion. Availability requirements and shift assignments for PT Paramedics will continue as normal.

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[toggle title=”Q6. Will my assigned Superintendent change?” state=”closed”]

A6. In order to better align Paramedics with their Superintendent, Paramedics will report to the Superintendent on the same color code they are assigned to.

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[toggle title=”Q7. What are the Schedule 9 shift rotations?” state=”closed”]

A7. Attached to the memorandum cited above is a reference document with information on the different Schedule 9 rotations. Stations will be assigned to Rotations 1, 2, 3 or 5. A fourth rotation is currently in use at 01 Station but requires the resources of a Multi-Function Station to be successful; this rotation is not included in the Schedule 1, 5, 6 and 7 conversion to Schedule 9.

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[toggle title=”Q8. When will Paramedics on Schedules 1, 5, 6 and 7 be advised of their specific rotation?” state=”closed”]

A8. All Paramedics affected by the schedule conversion have been sent a letter and an information package by registered mail. This package contains details on the conversion as well as the specifics of their new shift rotation. Schedule information will also become available in TeleStaff as the new assignments are uploaded (this will be completed prior to the 2023 vacation booking process).

If you are affected by the change and have not received details of your new rotation or information package by the start of the vacation booking process, please access TeleStaff to view your schedule.

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[toggle title=” Q9. Can Schedule 9 shift start times be adjusted?” state=”closed”]

A9. No. The start times for each station have been finalized and are based on performance metrics for individual station areas, as well as the need for balancing ambulance coverage in geographic areas. The staggered start times ensure that the distribution of Paramedic resources can assist with both beginning and end-of-shift coverage.

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[toggle title=”Q10. Can the Schedule rotations be adjusted?” state=”closed”]

A10. No, Schedule rotations are based on operational demand to ensure staffing is balanced and available when and where they are needed.

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[toggle title=”Q11. How will this affect Station bids prior to the conversion?” state=”closed”]

A11. Station bids will continue using the current process. If you successfully bid on a Schedule 5, 6 and 7 station, you will be converted to Schedule 9 with your new assignment (effective on January 25, 2023). For Schedule 1 stations converting over to Schedule 9, once the closed bid for affected Paramedics has been completed, potential vacancies can then be identified and will be posted as per normal station bidding practices.

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[toggle title=”Q12. How will this affect the 2023 vacation booking process?” state=”closed”]

A12. Paramedics affected by the conversion will book vacation based on their new Schedule 9 rotation and follow the same process as in previous years. Individual Schedule 9 rotations will be known prior to the start of vacation booking.

More information about the 2023 vacation booking process will be released in the fall.

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[toggle title=” Q13. What is happening with the Schedule 1 Paramedics and why?” state=”closed”]

A13. Schedule 1 poses some challenges with the conversion to Schedule 9 due to the introduction of C shift start times and garaging availability. In order to accommodate the need for additional ambulances, Paramedics who own a Schedule 1 PCP station will be relocated and offered station ownership within a current Schedule 7 station and then transitioned over to Schedule 9. A closed station bidding process will be run for affected Paramedics. Final results of this station bid process will determine their final color and partner assignment.

Schedule 1 ACP staff will remain on their current color and transition over to Schedule 9. Vacancies on Orange and Purple will be posted through the normal bidding process.

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[toggle title=”Q14. I like my current schedule, why do I have to change to schedule 9?” state=”closed”]

A14. All Paramedics are being aligned in order to create a more harmonized schedule, fostering a better Superintendent and employee relationship.

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[toggle title=”Q15. Are the ERU’s changing schedules?” state=”closed”]

A15. No, ERU schedules (30 Station and 54 Station) were not within scope for this phase of movement towards a harmonized schedule.

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[toggle title=”Q16.  Are the schedules for the Paramedics at 59 Station (Island) changing?” state=”closed”]

A16. No.  At this time, Paramedics assigned to work at 59 Station will remain on their current schedules and colour codes.

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[toggle title=”Q17. Will CACC be changing their schedule?” state=”closed”]

A17. No, changes to CACC schedules are not within scope for this phase.

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[toggle title=”Q18. How can I ask questions?” state=”closed”]

A18. For any questions related to the conversion to Schedule 9, please contact

A virtual town hall is currently being planned for September to provide Paramedics with more information and an opportunity to ask questions. Additional information will be released in the near future.